Givebutter Campaign
Players & Parents,
Each player is expected to create a Player donation page to request support from family and friends. Follow the attached link and click on the “Fundraise” button across from team members. This will open a page to add your personal information and share what lacrosse, and this team, mean to you, in other words, why people should support you. Once your page is set up, share the link to your page via email, text, and social media.
Our team goal is to raise $10,000 through this campaign, April 15-May 1, please do what you can to help us exceed this goal. Awards for the top three fundraising players: 1st-$300, 2nd-$200, 3rd-$100, will be awarded at the team dinner May 2.
Please direct any questions including page set-up to Derek at mailto:treasurer@mvhslacrosse.com, call or text (509) 590-5686.
PS - If you have participated in prior campaigns do not use your former link as those campaigns are closed.
Good Luck and thank you for your support of the Team. Go Mavs!